Cargo transportation from France to Poland

Cargo transportation from France to Poland.

Transport company Solid-trans performs internal European road transport of goods imported into Poland and exported from Poland.
Especially the company is actively working towards France in both directions:
France-Poland and Poland-France.

The company Solid-Trans also carries cargo from France to and from Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, England, Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Ireland and Scandinavia.

The company collects goods from warehouses or from manufacturers and promptly delivers them directly to the recipient on any necessary routes. It is possible to deliver goods from multiple senders to one recipient.

It is also possible to deliver cargo from one sender to multiple recipients.

In road transport company Solid-Trans uses modern vehicles that meet all necessary standards of France and the European Union standards Euro 5 and Euro 6. If necessary, the company uses special machines: refrigerated trucks for the transport of food, autoplatforms for transportation of oversized cargo.

Employees Solid-Trans have full information about the transport system of France, about the peculiarities of transport in this direction, have an immensely positive experience in delivery of goods to France and from France.

We guarantee compliance with the agreed terms and the necessary conditions of carriage. We ensure the safety of goods. We provide our clients with free advice on choosing the most efficient route and mode of delivery.

We will be glad to see you among our clients. Let’s start the partnership with finding out the cost and timing of delivery of your cargo. Please, fill out the form below. Our experts will contact you and answer your questions.



ul. Włókiennicza 77, 04-964 Warszawa

Warszawa: +48 22 462 31 25
  Kraków: +48 12 444 10 61
Wrocław: +48 71 738 20 45
Gdańsk: +48 58 728 21 35
mobile: 501 778 101


© 2009 - 2023 Your Logistic Partner SOLID-TRANS
Transport England, France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bulgaria
Groupage, full loads, cooling, oversized, frigo trucks
Express transport all European Union